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  • Writer's pictureAmy McCauley

The build. Pt2

(Written Aug/Sept 2023) Things keep progressing!

I found a free mirror on the Facebook marketplace last month, and through the help of some beautiful friends, we got that home this month. That is going to go behind the grooming bench against the back wall, as this will give me a view behind me as I will work with my back to the door/window, and also makes grooming easier when I can see around the dog I’m working on!

I also bought a tool chest that will hold all of my grooming gear in it. Tool chests are ideal for groomers, with the shallow drawers perfect for scissors, blades and combs!! We bought it now, despite not exactly needing it yet, because we need to know it’s exact dimensions to fit the grooming bench around the gap it needs.

Apart from that, Adrian has been busy plastering and painting and sanding and plastering and painting and sanding….. he’s finished the surround on the bath and it looks awesome, although it's covered in this photo so you'll have to wait and see that. All the walls have undercoats and are coming up smooth and beautiful with all of the work he has put in to them.

The final wall colours cannot be decided until we have the ranch slider as that will drastically change the light in there. We also cannot progress with the desk or double gate system because all of that depends on the ranch slider as well. So it’s at a bit of a standstill.

But that leads us to the next exciting thing, which is that I applied for a business start-up grant and got it! They are funding the bulk of the price of a new ranch slider! I had to fill out piles of paperwork and budgeting etc to get here, but it has been approved a nd the money came through, and the door is ordered, but it will be a while so we will just carry on with other things…. See the next installment here:

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