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  • Writer's pictureAmy McCauley

The build. Pt3

December/January. Things stalled for a while, but we are onward again!

We got the grant for the door so I paid for and ordered that back in September. We were told then that it would be a 3 month wait, and so we waited. I contacted them at the start of December to check in with them, and our aluminium was on order and they hoped to have it ready before Christmas, but that didn't happen so we have to wait until they reopen in mid January. sigh

In the mean time, we did get some plumbers to come out and do some quotes on the plumbing work that needs done, and honestly it has been a nightmare! The first plumber totally threw out all my ideas, which utterly threw me and he talked over me about other plans and came back to us with a quote for over $5000, and still not counting a lot of (expensive) factors in to that!!! Yikes! So I got another plumber to come in. They were better but still saying similar things to the first plumber about my plans not working, and we never heard back from them with a quote anyway. I was left feeling utterly deflated and at a loss. We cannot really justify spending that much and doing such a big job for what SHOULD be a small job! But with a deep breath and time to focus myself and talk to other groomers too, I contacted another plumber and got them out, because I was sure I wasn't crazy with my plans! And these latest guys were like a different world; yes, my plans were sound and yes they could do all that, and yes it should all work pretty easily and be an easy wee job for them to do. No problem! And their quote has come back as CONSIDERABLY less than that first one!

Alongside that, we have to get building consent to make the connection to the sewer line for the drainage, and these latest plumbers have been incredibly helpful and understanding with me fumbling my way through that process. I cannot recommend Tonner Plumbing more highly, honestly they've been incredible support for us!!! The building consent got submitted in January, but the plumbing work cannot start until the consent is approved and the ranch slider is in place, so that is on pause again for the moment.

In the mean time though, Adrian built my work bench and the electricians were able to be here within a week in December! It was quite a big job as it required totally redoing the switchboard inside the house (we still had the old ceramic fuses on a marble slab) and then they ran new power out to the garage, and installed power points and lights and also wire up the extraction fan that Adrian had installed in the grooming parlour side, plus an extra power point, light fittings and small fuse box for it all on the garage side!

This is some before and afters of the fuseboard inside our house.

The lighting is now amazing, the extraction fan works well, and there is lots of power points now (some under the grooming bench, and some near where my desk will be).

The cupboard door is (mostly) done and the finished grooming bench with its mirror is perfect!! I'm so excited! Adrian made it like the bath, in that it is fixed to the wall without havig legs come down to the ground. This keeps my floor space open and uncluttered. The bench is low down because I have chosen to be sitting a lot, I have a wheeled seat that I'll use and it'll mean this keeps my career more sustainable over the long term for me too. Also being a fixed height, I cannot adjust the bench, so I can adjust my seat height (or stand up!) to suit each dog. My bench is also only small because my entire setup is small and I will only be doing small dogs. 👌

The other final exciting thing that has happened in this time, is that a friend, who I was showing off my wee salon to, offered me an "off cut" of vinyl for the floor that should fit my space perfectly! I went and picked it up, and unrolled it across my living room to see it! Haha. Flooring was so far down the priority list for us, and we were just going to be painting the concrete. But this vinyl will make my space look so polished and professional, I can't wait!

So while it was quiet for a few months, things are progressing again. Electrical work is done, building consent is in. The bench is made and we have vinyl for the flooring. There is still loads to be done, at least a few more months and potentially even longer, but we are getting closer and it's all very exciting.

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